The Most Common Error — New Writers Make

Annie D.
3 min readOct 28, 2022

There are many various reasons people overwrite, and I’m sure they vary from person to person.

One frequent cause, especially for newer writers, is that they feel obligated to repeat the same ideas in various ways in order to feel confident that they’re making their point. Similar to this, even more seasoned writers frequently ram words and sentences together in an effort to find the ideal approach to convey a thought. And there’s yet another, essentially universal reason why individuals write too much: they often use careless language in their haste to express an idea while they still have it.

The true difference between experienced writers and those who are just starting to hone their craft is that we more seasoned writers are just better at fixing our own errors—up to a point, at least. Although it would be ideal, most people don’t possess the magical capacity to churn out gorgeous writing on the first try in order to be considered good writers. It’s more important to learn how to correct any mechanical errors you can find in your writing.

Over the course of their entire careers, writers hone this expertise. However, working with a competent editor is a crucial first step. Take note of their recommendations and corrections, then use what you’ve learned to improve your own work. In light of this, the following advice will…



Annie D.

I write every day. Sometimes for me,often for others, always for my soul.