8 Ways to Help Writers for Free

Annie D.
4 min readApr 5, 2022

I’ve been talking with several writer pals about how we rely on one other as writers for the past few weeks. We are a community in every sense of the word, and as a result, we draw heavily on one another, which is both good and necessary. It also comes with lofty expectations, some from within and others from without, that are difficult to meet.

For example, the greater the weight of buying and reading each other’s books, supporting each other’s Patreon accounts, and picking up each other’s t-shirts, crafts, and courses, the more you connect with other writers. We just can’t read (or buy) every book, donate to every Patreon, or take every course for the benefit of the writers we know, no matter how much we’d like to. It’s simply not possible.
But we can still help each other in little but meaningful ways, and we can also inspire other people in our lives to help us, even if they never read what we write.


1.Subscribing to their email lists or podcast feeds is a great way to stay in touch with them.

Email lists and podcast subscriber counts are important for authors, especially if we’re attempting to get conventionally published, because they…



Annie D.

I write every day. Sometimes for me,often for others, always for my soul.